Bishop Ronald W. Gainer Endorses CatholicBrain

Author: Pete Socks
Recently Mosongo Osong, CEO, and Pete Socks Director of Content and Marketing had the pleasure of meeting with Bishop Ronald Gainer from the Diocese of Harrisburg to present and discuss the CatholicBrain platform.
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Pictured: Bishop Ronald W. Gainer with Mosongo Osong
It was a fruitful one-hour meeting and we are pleased to announce that Bishop Gainer has given CatholicBrain his endorsement. What follows is the text of his endorsement and an image of the document received August 22, The Queenship of Mary.
Dear Friends in Christ,
CatholicBrain is an innovative platform designed to answer the need to meet youth in parishes , Catholic schools and homeschool environments. Using technology, the creators of CatholicBrain have developed a platform that teaches youth Pre-K through 8th grade the Catholic faith.
Utilizing engaging and entertaining content like daily Bible story and saint videos, games, puzzles, coloring pages, quizzes, printables , lesson modules and much more, the CatholicBrain platform provides an easy to use portal for educating our youth in the Catholic faith today.
Pope St. John Paul II said we are called, “To use science and technology in a full and constructive way.” CatholicBrain has found a way to combine the technology that youth of all ages are familiar with, and the solid pillars of the Catholic faith in a manner that both educates and inspires.
After reviewing the CatholicBrain platform , I fully endorse their work and their mission to serve the Church in forming the next generation of Catholics in the faith through innovative methodologies for the 21st century.
Sincerely in Christ,