Returning to Faith in the Eucharist
Returning to Faith in the Eucharist The Pew Research Center recently released a poll that has gotten serious attention from the Catholic Church in America. It reported on Catholics’ beliefs about the Eucharist, and the results are very disturbing. According to this poll, 69 percent of American [...]
5 Ways to Celebrate Saint Teresa of Calcutta with Children
5 Ways to Celebrate Saint Teresa of Calcutta with Children Inspiration, Indian food, and an invitation to serve. September fifth can bring all three of these things to you and your children if you pause to remember St. Teresa of Calcutta on her feast day. Saint Teresa of [...]
Bishop Ronald W. Gainer Endorses CatholicBrain
Bishop Ronald W. Gainer Endorses CatholicBrain Author: Pete Socks Recently Mosongo Osong, CEO, and Pete Socks Director of Content and Marketing had the pleasure of meeting with Bishop Ronald Gainer from the Diocese of Harrisburg to present and discuss the CatholicBrain platform. Find out more and sign up [...]
How to Raise Catholic Kids
Author: Anthony D'Ambrosio Hahahaha. Ha. Ha. If only this topic was as easy as a blog post. Really, if I had the answer to this I’d be making millions thousands as a Catholic speaker. I’d be the rockstar of Catholic mom bloggers with baby’s on their hips and disheveled dad’s [...]